Design, maintenance and services
Design, Maintenance and Services
Building a Blast & Gas protected facility takes time and careful planning. All relevant elements need to be addressed through the whole process: from the design phases, budgeting and tendering to construction, commissioning, operation, and maintenance. Temet provides you with all the technical support throughout the whole process.
With thousands of projects in our track record, we have supported and consulted design companies, governments and defence forces, petrochemical/nuclear industries, construction companies, as well as end-users, with a professional advice, consultation, as well as professional cost-effective products and services.
Design Consultation and Support
Designing a protected facility is a complex task. Usually done by a large team of engineers, specializing in different fields, such as construction, electricity, environment and even sound and landscaping, but very few designers or engineers specialize in blast protection, filtration or EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse).
Over decades of expertise, we have supported countless designers and design companies with professional consultation and design. We can also support with product selection, drawings or CAD files, or just share our expert knowledge and problem-solving skills.
If you need drawings, files, or information, please contact our experts here.
Shelter Maintenance
Although shelters are built for decades of standby, most shelters still require minimal maintenance, whether it is just for periodic preventive maintenance or a check-up. Sometimes corrective maintenance becomes necessary for shelters that have been neglected or damaged, or the environmental conditions may have taken a toll on the equipment, especially in high humidity and saltwater environments.
Temet provides checkups, preventive and corrective maintenance, maintenance training and other technical support.
Please contact our experts for support.
Expert consultation for governments and companies
With 7 decades of experience and thousands of projects worldwide, Temet is often requested to provide expert consultation on the different shelter related topics.
We provide expert consultation on many related fields from threats and requirements analysis, national standards guidance, shelter automation, budgeting, EMP, and others.
Please contact our experts for more information on expert consultation.
Additional services
Temet can provides various additional related services, such as site inspection and commissioning, training, shelter renovation, and more.
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