Design & consultation
Design and Consultation
When human lives are at stake, we always seek professional advice from the experts. If you go to your family doctor with a heart condition, he will seek additional expert advice from a heart specialist. Designing or planning a shelter is always done by professionals, Temet's experts are here to provide the additional professional advice or to design the full shelter.
Planning a shelter project is a complex process and many factors are to be considered at as early a stage as possible. For example, threat analysis will reflect on the wall thickness and the level of protection required for the external protection products, like blast valves and doors.
With seven decades of extensive experience, Temet has accumulated the know-how and knowledge base to be shared, whether you are designing a shelter or planning a larger project.
Design support
Temet offers design support in the form of drawing, CAD files, 3D models, and technical consultation. In the design process, we help to dimension the products required based on airflow, blast ratings and other requirements. We supply accurate and professional drawings so designers and engineers can integrate them into their own drawings and provide their customer with a professional and realistic design.
Temet is working hand-in-hand with many design companies and government engineers around the world providing them with all the support for a worry-free and professional project.
For updated design files or design consultation, please contact us.
Professional consultation
Temet's experts are often invited to share their experience and know-how, whether by speaking in an international conference, advising governments or simply supporting our customers and partners.
Temet can provide professional consultation in all shelter, blast, and CBRN related fields.
Our experts at your service

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