Critical infrastructure
Critical infrastructure
The protection of civilians is impossible without critical infrastructure. Critical infrastructures contains all the essential functions that must continue their full operation at times of crisis and that their loss will severely harm the stability and safety of the country.
Critical infrastructure is normally referred to government or defense forces command centers, but it also includes major power stations, communication towers, data centers, hospitals, and even the first responders command and control centers, as they all have to continue their operation and manage the situation.
Critical infrastructures have different characteristics from a regular civil shelter. They are usually a facility that is fully operational in peacetime and should be transformed into a fully operational protected facility in a very short time. This often requires shelter automation and a Shelter/Building Management System (BMS).
These shelters also have different protection requirements due to their importance. They are more likely to be targeted and the inhabitants are not there to rest but to work under pressure and therefore require more fresh air and more air changes per hour.
Temet provides cost-effective solutions for the full range of shelters, including design consultation, tested and certified equipment, customization, installation & commissioning support.
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