Dry toilet KK-3
Dry toilet KK-3
The dry toilet is designed for use in civil defence shelters. The unit is situated in the lavatory premises allocated for use during emergency use of the shelter, i.e.: dry toilet cabin and water closet cubicles.
The dry toilet is equipped with a toilet seat and plastic bag set. The closet material can be recycled, disposed of by combustion or delivered via public waste disposal for landfill.
The design criteria for the number of dry toilets is based on the decrees of the Finnish Ministry of the Interior which require all civil defence shelters to be equipped with a sufficeent number of dry toilet for use during periods of emergency use of the shelters. These criteria are in turn based on the actual protective area of the civil defence shelter, according to which the shelter must be equipped with one dry toilet per each 20 m² of protective space, i.e. one unit per each 26 shelter places or part thereof.
Dry toilet KK-3
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