Complete CBRN Systems
Complete CBRN Systems
CBRN filtration systems are vital in protecting against the various harmful airborne contaminants, like gases, vapors and aerosols, which are released during a non-conventional event.
A non-conventional event could happen for many reasons, starting from a natural disaster or accident, but also due to man-made attack, like terror, war, or sabotage in a dangerous facility (i.e.: Nuclear Power Plant or petrochemical facility).
This covers a wide range of events and therefore the contaminants can also come in a very wide range. Most standards recognize the Biological weapons and viruses appearing in the form of particles or droplets, and the Chemical Weapons (CW) which appear in the form of gases. Some of the more comprehensive standards also include nuclear elements, such as nuclear fallout in the form of particles and radioactive gases, as well as Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TIC) in the form of gases.
This is often overlooked, but terrorist are more likely to attack a chemical plant, since Chemical Weapons are hard to get, and therefore NATO published a list of over 100,000 TICs.
Temet's complete filtration system provides the most comprehensive solution for this threat, meeting and surpassing many standards. Our filtration systems come in small size for small spaces and up to very big systems for large buildings. We provide manual, semi-automated, and fully automated systems. Thousands of Temet's filtration systems are installed worldwide in civil defense shelters, government\defense facilities, industrial facilities, and private shelters.
When designing a solid filtration system many elements need to be considered, like the threat analysis (which contaminants and quantity), sufficient amount of airflow (for both maintaining an overpressure in the protected area which prevents a contaminant's penetration and to allow sufficient fresh air for the residents) in both filtration and ventilation modes, power supply and backup, number of residents and their planned duration of stay, size of shelter, and many more.
Temet's CBRN filtration systems commonly include the following main components: ESIS pre-filter (to remove dust and debris), the ES CBRN filters (which remove airborne contaminants), a blower (with manual backup or generator backup for larger systems), gastight ducts, KS gastight shutoff valves, shock absorbers, gauges and measuring devices, and in freezing environments also a pre-heater. All these components are designed to work together to provide a safe and reliable environment during emergencies.
Our ESL series filtration units are tested and certified by Eurofins Expert Services. Temet is also regulated by Eurofins Expert Services Ltd as part of a continuous quality assurance agreement.
You can contact Temet here for more detailed product info and enquiries.
ESL-6000 Filtration Unit

ESL-A-series Automatic Filtration Unit product brochure

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